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The examination of the Tunisian real estate market in 2023 through the lens of purchasing a 100 square meter property reveals striking disparities in terms of financial accessibility, providing crucial insights from the report “Comprehensive Analysis of the Real Estate Market in 2023” developed by the Almindhar team. This section details the methodology used, the formulas employed to assess accessibility, and sheds light on regional trends that impact Tunisian families.
Indeed, the accessibility index, a key tool in evaluating real estate purchasing power, offers a unique insight into the challenges and opportunities for Tunisian citizens. This section delves into the detailed results of this analysis, emphasizing regional variations and their implications for average families.
I-Accessibility Formula and Tunisian Lifestyle
To establish the accessibility index, an elaborate formula was developed to align with the typical lifestyle of an average Tunisian family. Standardized monthly expenses were carefully considered, reflecting regular costs of living. The available income after these expenses was calculated to determine a family’s capacity to invest in real estate.
The acquisition cost of a 100 square meter property was estimated by multiplying the average price per unit area in each governorate. For the calculation of monthly mortgage payments, an 11% interest rate over a period of 25 years was applied. This comprehensive methodology ensures an accurate representation of the financial realities of Tunisian families considering property purchase.
II-Unveiling Regional Disparities
The results reveal that Gafsa stands out with the highest accessibility index, exceeding 100%. This unusual outcome indicates that the available income in this governorate surpasses monthly mortgage payments. Conversely, the majority of other regions display an index below 100%, highlighting a disparity between high property prices and available incomes.
In governorates such as Monastir, El Kef, and Kairouane, the accessibility index ranges from 20% to 26%. These figures unveil significant financial challenges for citizens in these regions, with a substantial portion of their monthly incomes needing to be allocated to mortgage repayment.
III-Gafsa: A Unique Case
Gafsa stands out as a governorate with an accessibility index exceeding 100%. This exceptional situation suggests that the cost of purchasing a 100-square-meter property is lower than the average available income in the region. This unique scenario could be attributed to relatively low property prices or higher average incomes in the area, emphasizing the importance of a thorough analysis to understand the specific dynamics of each governorate.
IV-Monastir, El Kef, and Kairouan: Challenges and Perspectives
In governorates where the accessibility index is below 100%, citizens face notable financial challenges when considering property ownership. Monastir, El Kef, and Kairouane, with indices of 20%, 22%, and 26% respectively, present situations where a significant portion of monthly income would be allocated to mortgage repayment. These findings underscore the need to explore innovative solutions to make homeownership more accessible in these regions. Less accessible governorates could benefit from government programs aimed at stimulating the real estate market while ensuring the financial sustainability of households.
V-Future Perspectives and Recommendations
In conclusion, the accessibility index provides a unique insight into the financial realities of Tunisian citizens seeking to invest in real estate. While some regions exhibit exceptional accessibility, others present significant challenges. Policymakers can utilize this data to guide policies and initiatives aimed at balancing regional disparities. It is imperative to continue monitoring and adjusting these indicators over time to ensure that property accessibility remains a reality for all Tunisian citizens, regardless of their place of residence. Ultimately, this in-depth analysis underscores the importance of understanding regional nuances to develop inclusive and sustainable real estate strategies.
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