Real Estate


How Much Should One Allocate for Purchasing Real Estate in Tunisia?

Once you have decided to purchase real estate (traditional house, apartment, seaside villa, etc.), the most crucial step is to determine the amount you can reasonably afford. To assist you in getting started and streamline the process, Al-Mindhar provides five key tips to follow in order to ascertain the amount to allocate for the purchase of real estate in Tunisia.


Tax benefits for Tunisian expats buying abroad: Conditions and details

Discover the strategic advantages and conditions for Tunisians abroad investing in Tunisia's real estate market, including a preferential 1% registration rate. Explore how these incentives strengthen economic ties between Tunisia and its global diaspora, making real estate a key lever for investment and growth in a dynamic Tunisia.


How to Enhance the Value of Your Real Estate in 2024?

Whether you are a property owner in Tunis looking to maximize the selling potential of your real estate or a seller seeking a better understanding of the real estate market in Sousse, this article by Al-Mindhar explores the most relevant ideas on how to enhance the value of your property in 2024.


The real estate profession: A comprehensive overview.

The real estate industry is a fundamental pillar of the economy, and at the heart of this dynamic is the profession of a real estate agent. Often overlooked in its nuances, this profession plays a crucial role in facilitating real estate transactions and realizing the housing dreams of many individuals.

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